Wow, it's been 11 days since my last blog...a new record! I'll be honest, my brain is kind of like...BLAH right now, so I'm going to do my best to write a good blog! Let's see where this adventure takes us today! :)
SO what's happened this last week and a half...well after our swim party on the 4th we had another celebration on the 6th, this time with Robin and Jane from the dispensary. This time it included burgers, potato salad, red velvet cupcakes...basically awesomeness! When I got home I gave the leftover cakes and cookies to my siblings, who probably have never tasted something so sweet! They devoured the contents of that plate in no time flat.
Last saturday I went to the neighboring village (1 hour away) of Bunjali for a funeral. This was not just a regular funeral, because the man it was for was the 2nd President of the AEBECI (Assoc. Evangelical Baptiste Eglise Côte d'Ivoire), and it was a very huge ordeal. I hung out for a while in the "Korhogo" area and after eating proceeded to the main event. CJ and I saw the casket (which looked a bit like a shrine), check out the music group, and greeted people. Not long after the girls all decided to sleep in the car, and I sat in the passenger seat and pretended to be able to sleep. The next morning we drove to a different village where they put the casket in his tomb, right next to all of his family member's tombs. Kind of weird to see a tomb!
Other than those, these last 11 days have mainly been spent working in the family's store in the grande marché helping them get caught up on keeping track of finances and stock. I've also spent a lot of time trying to get back into shape, and developing habits of exercise and some spiritual disciplines also. My body likes to whine and tell me that I should just lay down, but like Paul says in Philippians, "I beat my body and make it my slave...". I know that this is taken a bit out of context, but somehow it helps motivate me to work out, pain is weakness leaving the body right! Either that or injury entering the body! lol
Spiritually I've been having a great time read the books "The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment" (so good, read it!), the daily "Experiencing God" devotional, and the bible. I'm still in Ezekiel, but am also starting to pray through scripture which has proven to be really beneficial. Everything I've been reading has been really heavy stuff, so my brain is in need of something easy. I'm in process of getting the Harry Potter audio books lol.
Lately God has been reminding me of the importance of focus. Since I'm pretty sure I'm coming home in October, I have of course been spending time preparing for that. Like I said in my last blog, I really want to be focused on my time here while I'm here. Once it's over, I'll never get it back! I want to go deeper in my relationships with people, I want to go all out in loving people here and experiencing day to day life in Korhogo. I want to leave here with my family feeling blessed that I got to come be a part of the family, and sad to see me go. I want to nosedive into this giant river of opportunity that is in front me! There are so many opportunities every day to experience something new and see the world a bit more through the Father's eyes. One thing I've been praying for a LOT lately is just that - see things through HIS eyes! I need to remember that everyone I meet was created in the image of God, and that he has pursued a relationship with them to the point of dying on a cross! God has been reminding me of what his children are...sons and daughters of the King of kings! My devo this morning said that he is more attentive to caring for us than a feeding mother is for the baby at her breast. Interesting picture, but so totally true! Just think of how a mother cares for her child she is feeding, even when it's in a different room she seems to be in tune with the child. God has that same kind of love for us, but so much more so! We are this sons and daugheters, an adoption made possible by the Holy Spirit, and that causes me to take a step back and evaluate how I ought to be thinking about and treating these dearly loved people.
So yeah, I'm being reminded each moment to focus on these truths:
- The Father valued my life enough to send His Son Jesus to the cross for me, and for all humanity! I need to remember the gospel every day.
- Only through remaining connected to the vine (Jesus) each day can I experience inner transformation and know his peace that passes beyond understanding.
- Be responsible, but don't worry about the future, for it will work out, though likely not how I expect. WAIT ON GOD.
- Focus on who you are becoming in Christ and not on what you are or ought to be doing for Christ.
Anyways, my next blog is going to introduce you to one of my family members, my dear sister Martine! I tried a few "get to know my family" blogs in the past but didn't finish those, so in a few days I'll be glad to introduce to one of my favorite people in all of Africa!
Prayer and Praise:
- Bonnie is home from the hospital! You can see how she is doing by clicking on her name.
- More intentionality in things, and the strength to live wholly abandoned to God.
- For the young man in our church whom I prayed over today....he was married on the 2nd of July, and this very morning his wife died at the hospital here in Korhogo. Please pray for him and his/her families, I can't even begin to understand the pain he is experiencing.
This is the family stock shop, where I've been spending a lot of time lately. That's my host dad in the fin shirt.

Goofy pose with Naomi on July 4th

CJ and I at the July 6th party for July 4th.

Bonnie at home with Molly and Mommy! This is pre-hair cut. Thanks Laura for the photos!

Awesome to hear how things are going! Brian read this blog out loud and he read it just like I would have imagined you saying it :). (except a few parts)
ReplyDeleteMiss you and will pray for your time there and your family. Love the pictures :D