Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Taste of French

Here is a taste of how my French is coming along. I wouldn't have the presence of mind to remember how to say all of this in conversation, but on paper I do better. I think it's exciting that I actually know what this says, and that I wrote it! :)

Le week-end on a eu beaucoup de plaisir. Devin et moi, nous étions avec Soro Ali et sa famille. Vendredi et Samedi, nous avons joué des parties avec des cartes pour passer le temps. Pendant la nuit j’ai réfléchi sur le jour et j’ai écrit mes observations dans mon cahier. J’ai mangé tellement de norriture qu’après j’avais mal au ventre. Le week-end était genial et j’espére visiter Soro Ali et ses voisins encore une fois, bientôt.


This weekend was a lot of fun. Devin and I stayed with Soro Ali and his family. We played games with cards every day to pass the time. At night I reflected about the day and wrote my observations in my notebook. I ate so much food that my stomach hurt. It was a great weekend and I hope to visit Ali and his neighbors again soon.

Today we said goodbye to Jeff Denlinger, who was visiting, and to Katie, our German friend. She is such a sweetheart, and I will miss her! Naomi and I are talking about maybe visiting her in Germany for a week on our way home. Just talk right now, but I think it's a great idea!

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